Take on the world with international standardsJune 21, 2021
Silverstripe CEO Wayne Yarr and RedShield cybersecurity CEO Andy Prow explain how they are unrecognisable to a global market without standards.One standard to rule them all. That's the wish of leaders in the tech world using multiple standards for global reach...
Read More... Standards New Zealand goes digitalMay 19, 2021
New digital reader pilot. The way documents are read, used, and shared is changing and consumers now want information in portable, dynamic, feature-rich digital formats. Standards New Zealand has been exploring digital options for making standards more accessible to users and have launched...
Read More... Building a climate-resilient CanadaMay 5, 2021
Warming global temperatures are intensifying the impact of natural disasters on buildings and infrastructure. With Canada's climate changing faster than the global average, there is a pressing need to ensure buildings and infrastructure can withstand extreme weather events...
Read More... A Strategy for Gender Responsive StandardsJanuary 19, 2021
There is a growing recognition that standards are not neutral, but in fact can be experienced differently depending on someone's gender. This prompted PASC member, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), to act so that women and men benefit equally from standardisation..
Read More... PASC members in the frontline of efforts against COVID-19July 7, 2020
Like many other organisations around the world, Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) activities have been curtailed by the COVID-19 pandemic. While all members were looking forward to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and workshops to be held in Vladivostok, Russia, this year...
Read More... Program Finalized: Standards and Regulatory Stewardship WorkshopMarch 29, 2019
The Standards and Regulatory Stewardship Workshop is co-organized by the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It is taking place as part of the PASC Annual General Meeting, held in Wellington, New Zealand from 8-11 April 2019...
Read More... Enabling digital trade – recommendations report releasedJanuary 17, 2019
Realising the potential of digital trade across Australia and the South East Asia region is the focus of a Recommendations Report released today by Standards Australia. The report is part of the ASEAN - Australia Digital Trade Standards Cooperation Initiative. The ten key recommendations...