Membership of PASC Executive Committee is open to all members of PASC. Each PASC member may nominate a single person who will be their principal representative, who will generally be able to participate in meetings of the PASC Executive Committee and who will be the contact for all correspondence. This is essential to enable meetings to be highly focussed and to reduce the cost of hosting meetings. Members may, upon the advice of the Chair, nominate alternates for specific meetings.
The tenure of the position for individuals to PASC EC is at the discretion of the standards body that they represent. However, members should be aware of the need for a mix of experience and new members to address the issues of succession and enthusiasm on the executive committee.
On recommendation of the PASC EC, the Chair of the PASC EC is appointed by PASC for a three-year term from the members of the PASC EC and can be reappointed for additional three-year terms as agreed by PASC.
The PASC secretary will provide support services to the PASC EC.
Meetings of PASC EC are open only to its members except at the invitation of the PASC EC Chair.
In the event of a casual vacancy of an individual occurring, the country previously represented shall designate a replacement to complete the term of the previous member. Such replacements do not automatically assume any position of office held by their predecessor.
PASC EC shall report to PASC at least annually. The minutes of PASC EC meetings will be made available to all PASC members through the PASC website after each PASC EC meeting. PASC members have the right to ask the PASC EC Chair for further information on issues considered by PASC EC.
The responsibilities of PASC EC are:
- To undertake specific standards and conformity projects referred to PASC by APEC/SCSC.
- To undertake projects referred to the Executive Committee by PASC itself (e.g. establish and provide support for any ad hoc working groups)
- To represent PASC, if invited to do so, on APEC/SCSC or other groups under the APEC/CTI and other Specialist Regional Bodies dealing with standards and conformity issues.
- To initiate collaborative activities and projects on behalf of PASC.
- To identify and propose new areas of cooperation among PASC members.
- To undertake outreach efforts to existing and potential new NSB members.
- To effectively utilize the PASC website and provide information services to PASC members as specified from time to time.
- To review and undertake proposals for changes to the PASC EC Terms of Reference and PASC Charter every 3 years or more frequently, as appropriate.
- To receive guidance and support from the PASC Secretary.
- To consider and make recommendations to PASC on any other issues that may arise to make PASC more effective in meeting its objectives as defined in the PASC Charter.
- To promote international cooperation between PASC and other regional standards bodies.
- To promote cooperation with other relevant bodies in the field of conformity assessment.
- To develop strategy papers and project proposals in response to suggestions from PASC Members for discussion and approval by PASC.
- To establish and provide support for any ad hoc working groups. Secretary support for such groups would be provided by the PASC Secretary.
- To meet regularly, emphasizing electronic communication as much as possible and to meet in concurrence with related standardization meetings to ensure travel and accommodation costs are minimized.
PASC EC will keep the full PASC membership informed on all issues being considered, and the views of PASC will be solicited before PASC EC responds to APEC on any matters of substance.
Meetings of PASC EC are to be held as follows:
- At the venue of, and just before or after, annual meetings of PASC.
- At other times on a needs basis. Venues for such meetings may need to be provided by PASC EC members. Where possible other meetings of PASC EC should be held in conjunction with other meetings to reduce travel costs.
The PASC Secretary is responsible for:
- Communication with PASC EC and PASC members as requested by PASC.
- Preparation or coordination and circulation of PASC EC documents, including advice of meetings, agendas, keeping minutes of all PASC EC meetings.
- Providing administrative assistance to the PASC member hosting the annual meeting of PASC including assistance with the agenda, technical content of the meeting, coordinating speakers and sponsors, etc;
- Maintaining the PASC website (access, viability of the website itself etc), and updating information on the website as directed by PASC EC (The PASC Secretary may, at its option, enlist the support of another PASC member to host the PASC website);
- Monitoring and following-up on all PASC EC and PASC projects. This includes obtaining descriptions and plans for each project and ensuring an up-to-date summary on the status of projects;
- External correspondence;
- Maintaining PASC documents;
- Maintaining and monitoring financial records and providing financial reports of income and expenditure to PASC EC and PASC. A PASC-appointed internal audit committee will oversee financial reporting. This committee could recommend the need for an external audit in the event that PASC receives funds in its own right, or funding is provided for;
- PASC activities, such as for PASC projects or to meet PASC expenses directly;
- In collaboration with the Chair, preparation of an annual budget and its submission to PASC EC and to PASC for approval in the event that PASC receives funds in its own right, or funding is provided for PASC activities, such as for PASC projects or to meet PASC expenses directly;
- Such other duties as determined by PASC EC from time-to-time
- + Australia (SA)
- + Brunei Darusalaam (ABCI)
- + Canada (SCC)
- + China (SAC)
- + Colombia (ICONTEC)
- + Fiji (DNTMS)
- + Hong Kong, China (ITCHKSAR)
- + India (BIS)
- + Indonesia (BSN)
- + Japan (JISC)
- + Malaysia (DSM)
- + Mexico (DGN)
- + Mongolia (MASM)
- + New Zealand (SNZ)
- + Papua New Guinea (NISIT)
- + Peru (INACAL)
- + Philippines (BPS)
- + Republic of Korea (KATS)
- + Singapore (SPRING)
- + South Africa (SABS)
- + Thailand (TISI)
- + USA (ANSI)
- + Viet Nam (STAMEQ)