Established in 2015, UN SDGs is a collective call to action set by UN Member States to achieve seventeen (17) ambitious goals with corresponding targets across economic growth, social inclusion,and environmental protection by 2030.
This blueprint aims to reach shared prosperity, meet the present demands without compromising the next generation’s future needs, and address socio-economic issues, underlining UN Member States’ commitment to leave no one behind.
Moreover, it is envisaged to be a key driver in materialising equitable access to decent work quality health care and education. A mechanism that prescribes policies, requires whole of government approach and multistakeholder engagement in order to ensure that everyone is able to live in a sustainable environment that is progressive and inclusive.
To be successful in reaching the targets of the SDGs–
collaboration and
innovation are primordial instruments to make visions into reality and put ideas into practice - the ISO and IEC established tools that would materialise such.
ISO has published 22,000 International Standards and related documents that provides guidelines and frameworks, technical solutions to help governments, industries, and consumers achieve every aspect of the SDGs.
IEC has produced substantial International Standards publications and projects that are aligned with SDGs to ensure safety, energy efficiency, reliability.
PASC is a forum of ISO and IEC members who in past forums have focused on the support standardisation can provide to reaching SDGs.
For a more comprehensive information about the UN SDGs andthe initiatives of ISO and IEC towards realising the 17 goals of the SDGs, please click the following links: