Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Standard?

Standards are published documents setting out specifications and procedures. They are designed to ensure products, services and systems are safe, reliable and consistent. They are based on sound industrial, scientific and consumer experience and are regularly reviewed to ensure they keep pace with new technologies. They cover everything from consumer products and services, construction, engineering, business, information technology, human services to energy and water utilities, the environment and much more.

What is the purpose of a Standard?

Standards specify requirements to achieve minimum objectives of safety, quality or performance of a product or service. Standards are voluntary documents unless referenced by government in legislation.

Standards can also serve as purchasing specifications or technical conditions of contract between two parties.

Standards may be used for educational purposes including recommendations, or administrative or project management procedures.

Does PASC write regional Standards?

No, PASC does not develop regional Standards. PASC members encourage and support one another to participate directly in the development of international standards that are recognised globally and not just in the Asia Pacific region.

Member Countries

Map of Pacific Area Standards Congress members

Contact Us

PASC Secretariat