GUO Chenguang
Mr Guo Chenguang, Deputy Director-General of the Standards Innovative Management Department at SAMR/SAC, was elected Chair of the PASC Executive Committee for the 2025–2027 term at the 46th Pacific Area Standards Conference in July 2024. This historic appointment marks the first time a Chinese officer has led the Asia-Pacific regional standardisation organisation. In his new role, he is committed to enhancing standardisation capacity, deepening international cooperation, and increasing the influence of the Asia-Pacific region in global standards activities, including those led by ISO and IEC.
PASC Secretary
Zul is the Head of Bureau for Public Relation, Cooperation, and Information Services at the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN). Zul has been appointed as the PASC Secretary, superseding Ms. Konny Sagala, for the term 2020-2022.
As PASC Secretary, Zul and his team closely engage with the PASC members to continue the implementation of the PASC Strategic Plan for 2021-2025. He also coordinates PASC’s inputs to various international and regional standards, conformance and trade facilitation bodies.