News Articles

Accelerating ASEAN-Australia digital trade
September 17, 2018
An Issues Paper released today by Standards Australia will help facilitate digital trade across Australia and ASEAN Member States. Based on extensive consultation throughout the region, the Issues Paper outlines the key opportunities and challenges for digital economic growth...
Chantal Guay Appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Standards Council of Canada
August 20, 2018
The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, and Minister responsible for the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), has appointed Chantal Guay as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SCC effective on 16 April 2018...
A New Field of Technical Activity – Circular Economy
August 14, 2018
ISO has received a New Field of Technical Activity Proposal from the French National Standards Body (AFNOR) to Form a new Technical Committee in the field of Circular Economy. The scope of the new committee is proposed to be: Standardization in the field of Circular economy...
Invitation to attend an International Workshop on Screening of Genetically Modified Organisms in Cotton and Textiles
August 14, 2018
The National Standards Body from the Netherlands has issued an invitation for stakeholders to participate in an international workshop on screening of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in cotton and textiles on 16 and 17 January in India. Ahead of the workshop, two preparatory meetings...
Invitation to attend an International Workshop on Using ISO 31000 Guidance on Risk Management in Management Systems
August 14, 2018
There is a steady growth in the number of organizations, of all types and sizes that are using management systems. New ISO management system standards are also being developed to address specific aspects of an organization's activities, products or services...
TISI seeking PASC members support on the Preliminary Work Item on Business Resilience Management
August 14, 2018
Dear PASC Members The Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) seeks support for a Preliminary Work Item on Business Resilience Management for ISO/TC 292 proposed by TISI. Currently, ISO/TC 292 N597 has already been circulated for voting. The voting period will end on 7 September 2018...
ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Survey
February 7, 2018
A joint ASEAN-Australia survey has been launched in support of the ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards Cooperation Initiative. The ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Initiative is a project to strengthen the economic integration and trade between ASEAN and Australia...
Support the Capabilities of PASC Capacity Building – Complete the Online Survey
December 5, 2017
PASC Working Group 3 has developed a Questionnaire on Capacity Building Needs in order to support the future work of capacity building across the PASC members. Your attention to completing the survey in a timely manner would be appreciated. The survey is available online...
New ISO Technical Committee Established for Ageing Societies
December 1, 2017
Earlier this year the British Standards Institute (BSI) submitted a proposal for a New Field of Technical Activity, including the establishment of a new Technical Committee: Ageing Societies. The scope of the activity is: Standardization in the field of ageing societies...
APEC Silver Economy – Next Steps
September 4, 2017
Recently, Standards Australia attended the APEC Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC) meeting in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam and presented on the APEC Silver Economy outcomes and workshop recommendations report. We are pleased to advise that APEC SCSC endorsed all...
John Walter – PASC Meritorious Service Award 2017
June 2, 2017
PASC members have unanimously supported Mr John Walter as the recipient of the 2017 PASC Meritorious Award. The award has been given to recognise John's significant contributions to PASC for many years, especially his leadership and guidance in the formulation of the PASC Strategic Plan...
Release of Issues Paper to Support APEC’s Silver Economy
March 17, 2017
Standards Australia has today released an Issues Paper titled 'The Role of Standards and Innovation for Driving APEC's Silver Economy', providing insights to assist Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies to prepare for the challenges and opportunities created by...

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