PASC Welcomes INEN (Ecuador) as a New MemberNovember 29, 2016
On 3 Nov, PASC Secretary had sought email approval and/or comments on INEN (Ecuador)'s interest to become a PASC member. Secretariat has received votes of approval from the majority of the PASC members, and so, in accordance with the PASC Charter, Secretariat is pleased to confirm...
Read More... APEC Silver Economy Project Steering Group 2nd MeetingNovember 25, 2016
The 2nd Project Steering Group Meeting was held on Friday 25 November for the APEC Silver Economy project. The Silver Economy Survey, conducted on Survey Monkey, received 140 responses in total. In addition, Japan have the results from a further 85 survey responses...
Read More... The Role of PASC in Improving Global ConnectivityOctober 11, 2016
On Wednesday 14 September 2016, the Open Session - International Organisation Leaders Summit took place for the closing day of the 2016 ISO GA in Beijing. The Theme was Standards Improve Global Connectivity and included an address from the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang...
Read More... Marine Sensor Performance NWIP to ISO/TC8/SC13 Marine TechnologySeptember 29, 2016
Marine sensors are an essential tool for providing a picture of what is happening below the ocean's surface. A wide range of users depend on the data collected by these sensors to make critical environmental decisions. But their performance and accuracy can vary considerably between devices...
Read More... Release of APEC Silver Economy SurveySeptember 21, 2016
Tapping into new growth opportunities through APEC's Silver Economy. Around the world societies are facing major demographic shifts. Populations are living longer, presenting a whole set of new business and innovation opportunities to meet the wants and needs of our ageing societies...
Read More... Chinese Premier: standards key for growth of Chinese economySeptember 19, 2016
Chinese Premier: standards key for growth of Chinese economy (2016-09-15) - ISO High-level Chinese officials, including the country's Premier Li Keqiang, highlighted the importance of International Standards at the Open Session on “Standards Improve Global Connectivity"...
Read More... Tourist Arrivals and Inclusive Growth – APEC ReportSeptember 19, 2016
This study contributes to tourism policy discussions in the APEC region in two ways. First, it examines the likely impacts of policies that can contribute to achieving the target of 800 million international tourist arrivals by 2025, a goal APEC tourism ministers announced in 2014...