The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is proud to congratulate 10 of its members for receiving prestigious IEC awards.
Tony Capel received the highest honour given by the IEC: The Lord Kelvin Award. It recognizes exceptional and long-term individual contributions to standardization to the electrotechnical industry globally. Tony is the 37th laureate to receive the tribute and the first from Canada. At the IEC 85th General Meeting in October 2021, he was honoured for his outstanding participation and dedicated contributions in the areas of wireless industrial communication networks, cybersecurity and smart grid technology/frameworks. Watch the awards video.
The 1906 Award was created to commemorate the year that IEC was established. It honours the timely and invaluable contributions of technical experts in the standardization field.
The nine Canadians recognized this year are:
Frédérick Dubé, Expert of IEC Technical Committee 37: Surge Arrestors
In recognition of his valuable contributions to the development of TC 37 standards for surge arresters, and for his current leadership as Convenor of TC 37/MT 10. He is responsible for the maintenance of surge arrester application guide IEC 60099-5, and the development of a new Technical Report detailing the rationale behind surge arrester testing requirements, work which he has continued to spearhead through monthly online meetings during a difficult period of COVID-19 quarantine.
Aaron MacNeill, Expert of IEC Technical Committee 114: Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters
In recognition of his leadership as the Convenor of MT 62600-100, which is developing the second edition of IEC TS 62600-100 on the power performance assessment of electricity producing wave energy converters. He leads a large team of experts on a range of technical updates to a critical standard for the wave energy industry.
Dr. Martin Smith, Expert of IEC Technical Committee 45: Nuclear instrumentation
In recognition of his effective leadership in the development of IEC 63121:2020, Radiation protection instrumentation – Vehicle-mounted mobile systems for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials, and his valuable contributions to Working Group (WG) 15 of Subcommittee 45B on Radiation protection instrumentation.
Tim Olson, Expert of IEC Technical Committee 78: Live Working
In recognition for his many years of service within TC 78. This includes his leadership as WG 11 Co-convenor, his work leading to the publication of IEC 61472-2:2021, Live working – Minimum approach distances – Part 2, and his contribution to other TC 78 standards.
Marie-Josée Fortier, Expert of IEC Technical Committee 8: System aspects of electrical energy supply
In recognition for her outstanding contribution to the development of power quality standards in TC 8/WG 11 on Power Quality.
Matthew Adams, Expert of IEC Technical Committee 86: Fibre Optics
In recognition for his excellent contribution to IEC measurement standards. He is editor of several documents related to Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components, namely IEC 61300-3-3, IEC 61300-3-4, IEC 61300-3-6 and IEC 61300-3-14. Most recently, Matt was responsible for the revision and reformatting of IEC 61300-3-7.
Ark Tsisserev, Expert of IEC Technical Committee 64: Electrical installations and protection against electric shock
In recognition for his long-term contribution and in-depth expertise in the area of electrical installations and protection against electric shock, especially at TC 64 plenary meetings. This includes his work on the IEC 60364 series on low-voltage electrical installations, and the Basic Safety Publication IEC 61140.
Jean Raymond, Expert of IEC Technical Committee 57: Power systems management and associated information exchange
In recognition for his substantial contributions on the impact of the Internet of Things on the Reference Architecture of TC 57.
Mark Fox, Expert of ISO/IEC JTC 1, the Joint Technical Committee on Information Technology
In recognition for his contributions to ISO/IEC 21972, Information technology — Upper level ontology for smart city indicators, and ISO/IEC 5087 series on city data model that is currently under development..
This year’s winners bring the total number of Canadians honoured with the IEC 1906 Award to 83