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ISO General Assembly 2018


The ISO General Assembly 2018 is about sharing knowledge and innovating new ideas on how International Standards can make the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development a reality. This year’s ISO Week brings the global ISO community together in Geneva, Switzerland.

Week at a glance:

For more information and to register, visit the ISO GA 2018 website: https://ga2018.iso.org/welcome.html

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Regional Training Course for Chairs and Convenors


JISC (Japanese Industrial Standards Committee) is honored to host the “Regional Training Course for Chairs and Convenors” in Tokyo.

The training course is aim to help ISO chairs and convenors to have the leardership and consensus-building skills for the success of ISO projects.

JISC and ISO regional Office will jointly hold the training cource for chairs and convenors in Asia Pacific region.


  • Date: December 13 – 15, 2016
  • Venue: Tokyo International Forum
  • Target audience: the course is open to individuals currently have the role of the chair of ISO/TC or SC or Convenor of WG
  • Expected Number of participants: around 35 participants
  • Trainers: The training will be delivered by ISO Central Secretariat
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SNZ-UL Webinar on Standards for Electric Vehicle Charging Systems

2:00 pm
3:00 pm

Learn more about EV Charging System Standards

This webinar is organized under the collaboration framework between Standards New Zealand and Underwriters Laboratories. It will focus on a focus on future trends from smart charging and balancing the pressure on electricity grids to advances in wireless charging, safety and access for high rises.

The speaker is Mr Joe Bablo, who is UL’s principal engineering manager for the e-mobility and energy storage team and the principal engineer for automotive equipment and associated technologies with 25 years of experience. Based in Illinois USA, Joe is responsible for many product categories including unmanned aerial vehicles, electric vehicles, electric vehicle charging, and industrial trucks. Joe participates in standards development activities around these categories for UL, IEC, SAE and NFPA.

This free webinar will be held on 27th Oct, 2-3pm NZST / 8-9am GMT +7 / 9-10am GMT +8.

Register here to secure your place.

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ASEAN-Australia Digital Standards Workshop


To support the ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards Cooperation Initiative, Standards Australia is hosting the ASEAN-Australia Digital Standards Workshop.

Stakeholders from across the ASEAN region are invited to join this two-day Standards Workshop.

More details are to come soon.

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Disruptive technologies and new service models: the role of International Standards


This workshop will focus on how International Standards for services can enable new technologies and business models in the services sector, concentrating on areas such as artificial intelligence and Big Data, e-commerce, cybersecurity, and blockchain.

Services constitutes the largest sector in the global economy today, accounting for 70 % of global GDP, 60 % of global employment and 46 % of global exports measured in value-added terms. But this sector is not just growing, it is evolving – rapid advances in technology are leading to significant changes in service business models and service provision methods.

Faced with these potentially disruptive changes, International Standards offer businesses, governments and consumers tools to create trust, ensure the quality and safety of services, and facilitate their provision across borders.

This workshop will focus on how International Standards for services can enable new technologies and business models in the services sector, concentrating on areas such as artificial intelligence and Big Data, e-commerce, cybersecurity, and blockchain. Standardizers, policymakers and industry representatives will come together to discuss the benefits of standards, how they can be effectively implemented, and potential new areas of standardization in the services sector.

A 2-day international workshop

Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 June 2019

ISO members and partners, industry stakeholders from the services sector, consumer organizations, government policymakers and regulators

Suntec City Convention Centre, Singapore

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