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PASC Executive Committee 55 Meeting

7:30 pm
9:00 pm

Proposed Agenda Items for EC 55, 12 September (Monday) 1930 to 2100 hrs

a. Opening (5 min)

b. Adoption of Agenda (5 min)

c. Discussion on Joint PASC-COPANT AGM by SCC (25 min)

d. Update on Priority Projects for 2016-2017 under the PASC-Strategic Plan 2016-2020 (30 min)

a. WG1Communication

b. WG2 Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement

c. WG3 Capacity Building and Trade Facilitation

e. PASC Action Plan updates (5 min)

f. PASC Website Functionality by Standards Australia (5 min)

g. Date and Place of Next Meetings (5 min)

h. Any Other Business (5 min)

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PASC AGM 2019 – Wellington, New Zealand


The 42nd PASC Annual General Meeting will be held at the Intercontinental Hotel, Wellington, New Zealand in April 2019.

For more details and registration, please visit the event website: http://pasc2019.co.nz/

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